Friday, February 13, 2009

That bill clintons first year white

Joe, fair enough, but after all the grief president bush took for not going to new orleans within an hour after katrina struck, when people were at least in temperatures that could sustain life, it galls me no end that president obama gets no bad press at all for sucking down beers while in over a million people in arkansas and kentucky are in temperatures well below freezing with no heat or power or running water. That was bill clintons first year in the white house. Has of winning an oscar in a big category now is with heath ledgers best supporting actor nomination. We blew album after album after album. I think tccobb is overrated and overhyped- i think ebert nailed it when he stated that this film leaves you not caring about these characters and left with a whole bunch of questions regarding the creative process of the story.

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